# _archiving.py
# Project: AutoArchive
# License: GNU GPLv3
# Copyright (C) 2003 - 2022 Róbert Čerňanský
""":class:`_Archiving` class."""
__all__ = ["_Archiving"]
import os
from AutoArchive._infrastructure.configuration import Options
from AutoArchive._application.archiving.archive_spec import ArchiveSpec, ConfigConstants, ArchiveSpecInfo, \
from ._archive_info import _ArchiveInfo, _BackupLevelRestartReasons
from ._archiver_manipulator import ArchiverManipulator
from ._archiving_constants import _RestartStorageVariables
from ._backup_information_provider import _BackupInformationProvider
from ._command_executor import _CommandExecutor
[docs]class _Archiving:
"""Provides means for working with archives.
Several methods of this class requires an :term:`archive specification file` as the input parameter (usually
named ``specFile``). This file should contain all information required to create the :term:`backup`. Its format is
defined by the standard :mod:`configparser` module. It has to contain section ``[Content]`` and may contain
section ``[Archive]``. The ``[Content]`` section requires following options to be present: ``path``,
``include-files`` and ``exclude-files``. Optionally, ``name`` can be present. Options in the archive
specification file has higher priority than those in the configuration.
:param componentUi: Access to user interface.
:type componentUi: :class:`.CmdlineUi`
:param applicationContext: Application context.
:type applicationContext: :class:`.ApplicationContext`
:param serviceAccessor: Access to services.
:type serviceAccessor: :class:`.IServiceAccessor`
:param commandExecutor: For executing commands before and after backup creation.
:type commandExecutor: :class:`_CommandExecutor`"""
def __init__(self, componentUi, applicationContext, serviceAccessor, commandExecutor):
self.__componentUi = componentUi
self.__serviceAccessor = serviceAccessor
self.__commandExecutor = commandExecutor
self.__configuration = applicationContext.configuration
self.__storage = applicationContext.storage
# stores already created ArchiveSpec instances; key is path to the archive specification file and the value
# is the instance
self.__archiveSpecs = {}
[docs] def makeBackup(self, specFile):
"""Creates the :term:`backup` based on ``specFile``.
The result can be a file with a full backup or an incremental backup of some particular level. This depends on
the :term:`archive specification file` (``specFile``), the configuration (:class:`.IConfiguration`), previous
operations with the ``specFile`` and the time. Some of the properties of :class:`._ArchiveInfo` returned by the
method :meth:`getArchiveInfo()` can be used to determine what the result will be. The path and name of the
created file will be assembled as follows:
Method uses :class:`.CmdlineUi`-like interface to report errors, warnings et al. to the user.
.. warning:: This method utilizes the :term:`user configuration directory` so the option \
:attr:`.Options.USER_CONFIG_DIR` has to point to an *existing* directory.
:param specFile: Path to the :term:`archive specification file`.
:type specFile: ``str``
:raise ValueError: If the desired archiver type is not supported."""
archiveSpec = self.__getOrTryCreateArchiveSpec(specFile)
if not archiveSpec:
except OSError as ex:
archiverManipulator = ArchiverManipulator(
_BackupInformationProvider(archiveSpec, self.__componentUi, self.__storage, self.__serviceAccessor),
self.__componentUi, self.__storage, self.__serviceAccessor)
backupFilePath = archiverManipulator.createBackup()
except OSError as ex:
self.__componentUi.showError(str.format("Unable to create the backup: {}", ex.args[0]))
except RuntimeError as ex:
self.__componentUi.showError(str.format("Unable to create the backup: {}", ex))
except OSError as ex:
[docs] def getArchiveSpecs(self):
"""Iterable of all known archive specification files.
:return: Iterable of archive specification files information.
:rtype: ``Iterable<ArchiveSpecInfo>``
:raise RuntimeError: If list of archive specification can not be obtained.
:raise: OSError: If an error occurred while reading archive specification directory."""
archiveSpecsDir = self.__configuration[Options.ARCHIVE_SPECS_DIR]
if os.path.isdir(archiveSpecsDir):
specFiles = filter(lambda fname: os.path.splitext(fname)[1] == ConfigConstants.ARCHIVE_SPEC_EXT,
for specFile in specFiles:
yield ArchiveSpecInfo(os.path.splitext(specFile)[0], os.path.join(archiveSpecsDir, specFile))
raise RuntimeError(str.format("Archive specifications directory \"{}\" does not exists.", archiveSpecsDir))
[docs] def filterValidSpecFiles(self, specFiles):
"""Returns names of :term:`configured archives <configured archive>` from valid only
:term:`archive specification files <archive specification file>` passed in ``specFiles``.
:param specFiles: Paths to archive specification files that shall be validated and from which the names
shall be retrieved.
:type specFiles: ``Iterable<str>``
:return: Iterable of names of validly configured archives.
:rtype: ``Iterable<str>``"""
def getOrTryCreateArchiveSpecSilently(specFile):
return self.__getOrCreateArchiveSpec(specFile, True)
except (IOError, LookupError, SyntaxError, KeyError, ValueError):
return None
archiveSpecs = (getOrTryCreateArchiveSpecSilently(archiveSpec)
for archiveSpec in specFiles)
return (archiveSpec[ArchiveSpecOptions.NAME]
for archiveSpec in archiveSpecs
if archiveSpec is not None)
[docs] def getArchiveInfo(self, specFile):
"""Returns information about archive represented by the ``specFile`` parameter.
.. warning:: This method utilizes the :term:`user configuration directory` so the option \
:attr:`.Options.USER_CONFIG_DIR` has to point to an *existing* directory.
:param specFile: Path to the :term:`archive specification file`.
:type specFile: ``str``
:return: Information about an archive or ``None``.
:rtype: :class:`_ArchiveInfo`"""
archiveSpec = self.__getOrTryCreateArchiveSpec(specFile)
if not archiveSpec:
return None
storagePortion = self.__storage.createStoragePortion(realm = archiveSpec[ArchiveSpecOptions.NAME])
backupInformationProvider = _BackupInformationProvider(
archiveSpec, self.__componentUi, self.__storage, self.__serviceAccessor)
archiverManipulator = ArchiverManipulator(
backupInformationProvider, self.__componentUi, self.__storage, self.__serviceAccessor)
except OSError as ex:
self.__componentUi.showError(str.format("Unable to get some of the archive information: {}", ex.args[0]))
# the intention was to continue and not to return (see the message above); but not to return here would
# lead to exception anyway because variables from try block would be uninitialized; in order to achieve
# continuation exceptions has to be handled in constructors of classes created in try block
return None
except RuntimeError as ex:
self.__componentUi.showError(str.format("Unable to get archive information: {}", ex))
return None
# create and populate _ArchiveInfo instance
archiveInfo = self.__ArchiveInfo(archiveSpec[ArchiveSpecOptions.NAME]) if archiverManipulator \
else self.getStoredArchiveInfo(archiveSpec[ArchiveSpecOptions.NAME])
archiveInfo._path = archiveSpec[ArchiveSpecOptions.PATH]
archiveInfo._archiverType = archiveSpec[Options.ARCHIVER]
archiveInfo._destDir = archiveSpec[Options.DEST_DIR]
if archiverManipulator and archiverManipulator.isOptionSupported(Options.INCREMENTAL):
archiveInfo._incremental = archiveSpec[Options.INCREMENTAL]
archiveInfo._backupLevel = backupInformationProvider.currentBackupLevel
archiveInfo._restarting = archiveSpec[Options.RESTARTING]
archiveInfo._restartAfterLevel = archiveSpec[Options.RESTART_AFTER_LEVEL]
if backupInformationProvider.nextBackupLevel == 0:
if backupInformationProvider.restartReason is _BackupLevelRestartReasons.RestartCountLimitReached or \
backupInformationProvider.restartReason is _BackupLevelRestartReasons.LastFullRestartAgeLimitReached:
archiveInfo._nextBackupLevel = 0
archiveInfo._nextBackupLevel = None
archiveInfo._nextBackupLevel = backupInformationProvider.nextBackupLevel
archiveInfo._restartReason = backupInformationProvider.restartReason
archiveInfo._restartLevel = backupInformationProvider.restartLevel
if storagePortion.hasVariable(_RestartStorageVariables.RESTART_COUNT):
archiveInfo._restartCount = int(storagePortion.getValue(
archiveInfo._fullRestartAfterCount = archiveSpec[Options.FULL_RESTART_AFTER_COUNT]
archiveInfo._lastRestart = backupInformationProvider.getLastRestartDate()
archiveInfo._restartAfterAge = archiveSpec[Options.RESTART_AFTER_AGE]
archiveInfo._lastFullRestart = backupInformationProvider.getLastFullRestartDate()
archiveInfo._fullRestartAfterAge = archiveSpec[Options.FULL_RESTART_AFTER_AGE]
return archiveInfo
[docs] def getStoredArchiveInfo(self, archiveName):
"""Returns information about an archive from stored data.
Unlike in the :meth:`getArchiveInfo` method the information is not read from the
:term:`archive specification file` but from other stored data about the archive created by the component in
previous runs. Such data can be fetched for example from application storage (:class:`.IStorage`) or other
sources specific to the archiver. It is expected that the large portion of data will be missing in the
returned information.
.. warning:: This method utilizes the :term:`user configuration directory` so the option \
:attr:`.Options.USER_CONFIG_DIR` has to point to an *existing* directory.
See also: :meth:`getStoredArchiveNames()`
:param archiveName: Name of the archive which information shall be returned.
:type archiveName: ``str``
:return: Information about an archive or ``None`` if no data for the archive was found.
:rtype: :class:`_ArchiveInfo`"""
if archiveName not in self.getStoredArchiveNames():
return None
archiveInfo = self.__ArchiveInfo(archiveName)
storagePortion = self.__storage.createStoragePortion(realm = archiveName)
archiveInfo._archiverType = self.__configuration[Options.ARCHIVER]
archiveInfo._destDir = self.__configuration[Options.DEST_DIR]
archiveInfo._backupLevel = _BackupInformationProvider.getBackupLevelForBackup(
archiveName, self.__configuration[Options.USER_CONFIG_DIR], self.__serviceAccessor)
except OSError as ex:
self.__componentUi.showError(str.format("Unable to determine the backup level: {}", ex.args[0]))
except RuntimeError as ex:
self.__componentUi.showError(str.format("Unable to determine the backup level: {}", ex))
archiveInfo._incremental = \
self.__configuration[Options.INCREMENTAL] if archiveInfo.backupLevel is not None else None
if archiveInfo.incremental is not None:
archiveInfo._restartAfterLevel = self.__configuration[Options.RESTART_AFTER_LEVEL]
if storagePortion.hasVariable(_RestartStorageVariables.RESTART_COUNT):
archiveInfo._restartCount = int(
archiveInfo._fullRestartAfterCount = self.__configuration[Options.FULL_RESTART_AFTER_COUNT]
archiveInfo._lastRestart = _BackupInformationProvider.getRestartDate(
_RestartStorageVariables.LAST_RESTART, storagePortion)
archiveInfo._lastFullRestart = _BackupInformationProvider.getRestartDate(
_RestartStorageVariables.LAST_FULL_RESTART, storagePortion)
return archiveInfo
[docs] def getStoredArchiveNames(self):
"""Returns iterable of archive names which has some data stored in a persistent storage.
.. warning:: This method utilizes the :term:`user configuration directory` so the option \
:attr:`.Options.USER_CONFIG_DIR` has to point to an *existing* directory.
See also: :meth:`getStoredArchiveInfo()`
:return: Iterable of archive names.
:rtype: ``Iterable<str>``"""
archiveNames = ()
archiveNames = _BackupInformationProvider.getStoredArchiveNames(
self.__configuration[Options.USER_CONFIG_DIR], self.__storage, self.__serviceAccessor)
except RuntimeError as ex:
self.__componentUi.showError(str.format("Unable to get list of stored archive names: {}", ex))
return archiveNames
[docs] def purgeStoredArchiveData(self, archiveName):
"""Deletes all data stored for the archive named ``archiveName``.
.. warning:: This method utilizes the :term:`user configuration directory` so the option \
:attr:`.Options.USER_CONFIG_DIR` has to point to an **existing** directory.
See also: :meth:`getStoredArchiveInfo()`
:param archiveName: Name of the archive which data shall be purged.
:type archiveName: ``str``
:raise KeyError: If ``archiveName`` does not have any stored data to purge.
:raise OSError: If an error occurred during the operation of removing data from a physical storage."""
if not ArchiverManipulator.tryPurgeStoredArchiveData(
archiveName, self.__configuration[Options.USER_CONFIG_DIR], self.__storage, self.__serviceAccessor):
raise KeyError(str.format("There is no data stored for an archive named \"{}\".", archiveName))
except RuntimeError as ex:
raise OSError(ex)
def __getOrTryCreateArchiveSpec(self, specFile):
return self.__getOrCreateArchiveSpec(specFile)
except OSError as ex:
self.__componentUi.showError(str.format("Unable to open archive specification file \"{}\".", ex.filename))
except (LookupError, SyntaxError, KeyError, ValueError) as ex:
return None
def __getOrCreateArchiveSpec(self, specFile, silently = False):
if specFile in self.__archiveSpecs.keys():
return self.__archiveSpecs[specFile]
archiveSpec = ArchiveSpec(specFile, self.__configuration, self.__componentUi if not silently else None)
self.__archiveSpecs[specFile] = archiveSpec
return archiveSpec
class __ArchiveInfo(_ArchiveInfo):
def __init__(self, name):