Source code for AutoArchive._application.archiving._backup_information_provider

# Project: AutoArchive
# License: GNU GPLv3
# Copyright (C) 2003 - 2021 Róbert Čerňanský

""":class:`_BackupInformationProvider` class."""

__all__ = ["_BackupInformationProvider"]


import itertools
from datetime import date, datetime

from AutoArchive._infrastructure.configuration import Options
from AutoArchive._services.archiver import ArchiverFeatures, ArchiverServiceIdentification

from AutoArchive._application.archiving.archive_spec import ArchiveSpecOptions
from ._archive_info import _BackupLevelRestartReasons
from ._archiving_constants import _ArchiverMaps, _RestartStorageVariables



[docs]class _BackupInformationProvider: """Provides information about backups. :param archiveSpec: Archive specification of the backup that this instance will provide information about. :type archiveSpec: :class:`.ArchiveSpec` :param storage: Application storage. :type storage: :class:`.IStorage` :param componentUi: Access to the user interface. :type componentUi: :class:`.CmdlineUi` :param serviceAccessor: An :class:`.IServiceAccessor` instance. :type serviceAccessor: :class:`.IServiceAccessor` :raise RuntimeError: If the archiver service could not be created. :raise OSError: If a system error occurred.""" # SMELL: Try to handle exceptions here instead of letting them pass higher def __init__(self, archiveSpec, componentUi, storage, serviceAccessor): self.__serviceAccessor = serviceAccessor self.__archiveSpec = archiveSpec self.__componentUi = componentUi self.__maxBackupLevel = None self.__nextBackupLevel = None self.__restartReason = None self.__restartLevel = None # SMELL: Similar initialization is done also in ArchiverManipulator. self.__storagePortion = storage.createStoragePortion(realm = self.__archiveSpec[ArchiveSpecOptions.NAME]) self.__archiverService = self.__getOrCreateArchiverService(self.__archiveSpec[Options.ARCHIVER], self.__archiveSpec[Options.USER_CONFIG_DIR]) if ArchiverFeatures.Incremental in self.__archiverService.getSupportedFeatures(): self.__maxBackupLevel = self.__archiverService.getMaxBackupLevel( self.__archiveSpec[ArchiveSpecOptions.NAME]) self.__restartLevel = self.__getRestartLevel() self.__nextBackupLevel, self.__restartReason = self.__getNextBackupLevelAndRestartReason() @property def archiveSpec(self): """Gets the archive specification that corresponds to the backup about which this instance provides information. :rtype: :class:`.ArchiveSpec`""" return self.__archiveSpec @property def currentBackupLevel(self): """Gets the current backup level or ``None``. :rtype: ``int``""" if self.__maxBackupLevel is not None: return self.__maxBackupLevel - 1 if self.__maxBackupLevel > 0 else None else: return None @property def nextBackupLevel(self): """Gets the backup level that would be created if the backup creation was triggered. :rtype: ``int``""" return self.__nextBackupLevel @property def restartReason(self): """Gets the reason for upcoming backup level restart. :rtype: :attr:`_BackupLevelRestartReasons`""" return self.__restartReason @property def restartLevel(self): """Gets a :term:`backup level` to which a next restart would be done. :rtype: ``int``""" return self.__restartLevel
[docs] def getLastRestartDate(self): """Reads the last restart date from the persistent storage and returns it. :return: Date of the last backup level restart. :rtype: ````""" self.getRestartDate(_RestartStorageVariables.LAST_RESTART, self.__storagePortion)
[docs] def getLastFullRestartDate(self): """Reads the last full restart date from the persistent storage and returns it. :return: Date of the last full backup level restart. :rtype: ````""" self.getRestartDate(_RestartStorageVariables.LAST_FULL_RESTART, self.__storagePortion)
[docs] @staticmethod def getRestartDate(storageVariable, storagePortion): """Reads the date of a backup level restart from storage and returns it. :param storageVariable: Variable that holds the restart date in the persistent storage. :type storageVariable: ``str`` :param storagePortion: The persistent storage where the variable is located. :type storagePortion: :class:`.IStoragePortion` :return: A backup level restart date. :rtype: ````""" if storagePortion.hasVariable(storageVariable): return datetime.strptime(storagePortion.getValue(storageVariable), "%Y-%m-%d").date() else: return None
# SMELL: Should be in a separate class (StoredBackupInfoProvider?)
[docs] @staticmethod def getStoredArchiveNames(userConfigDir, storage, serviceAccessor): """Returns iterable of archive names which has some data stored in a persistent storage. Persistent storages from which archive names are retrieved are specific to the concrete archiver service. A typical storage used by archivers is the application storage (:class:`.IStorage`). :param userConfigDir: Path to the user configuration directory. :type userConfigDir: ``str`` :param storage: The application storage. :type storage: :class:`.IStorage` :param serviceAccessor: Service accessor. :type serviceAccessor: :class:`.IServiceAccessor` :return: Set of archive names. :rtype: ``set<str>`` :raise RuntimeError: If the archiver service could not be created.""" archiveNames = set() for providerIdentification in serviceAccessor.getProvidersIdentifications(ArchiverServiceIdentification): archiverService = serviceAccessor.getOrCreateService( ArchiverServiceIdentification, providerIdentification, userConfigDir) archiveNames |= set(archiverService.getStoredBackupIds()) return set(itertools.chain(storage.getRealms(), archiveNames))
# SMELL: Should be in a separate class (StoredBackupInfoProvider?)
[docs] @staticmethod def getBackupLevelForBackup(archiveName, userConfigDir, serviceAccessor): """Returns current backup level for the passed ``archiveName``. :param archiveName: Name of the archive for which the backup level shall be returned. :type archiveName: ``str`` :param userConfigDir: Path to the user configuration directory. :type userConfigDir: ``str`` :param serviceAccessor: Service accessor. :type serviceAccessor: :class:`.IServiceAccessor` :return: Current backup level for ``archiveName`` or None :rtype: ``int`` :raise RuntimeError: If the archiver service could not be created. :raise OSError: If a system error occurred.""" backupLevel = None for providerIdentification in serviceAccessor.getProvidersIdentifications(ArchiverServiceIdentification): if ArchiverFeatures.Incremental in providerIdentification.getSupportedFeatures(): archiverService = serviceAccessor.getOrCreateService( ArchiverServiceIdentification, providerIdentification, userConfigDir) backupLevel = archiverService.getMaxBackupLevel(archiveName) if backupLevel > 0: break return backupLevel - 1 if backupLevel > 0 else None
def __getNextBackupLevelAndRestartReason(self): configuredBackupLevel = self.__archiveSpec[Options.LEVEL] nextBackupLevel = self.__maxBackupLevel \ if (configuredBackupLevel is None or configuredBackupLevel > self.__maxBackupLevel) \ else configuredBackupLevel restartReason = _BackupLevelRestartReasons.NoRestart if self.__archiveSpec[Options.RESTARTING] and configuredBackupLevel is None: nextBackupLevel, restartReason = self.__restartBackupLevel(nextBackupLevel) return nextBackupLevel, restartReason def __restartBackupLevel(self, nextLevel): """Restarts the passed ``nextLevel`` backup level for ``backupId`` if needed. :param nextLevel: Next backup level if it would not be restarted. :type nextLevel: ``int`` :return: Backup level after restart and the reason for the restart. :rtype: ``tuple[int, _BackupLevelRestartReasons]``""" # full restart handling if nextLevel < 1: return nextLevel, _BackupLevelRestartReasons.NoRestart if self.__archiveSpec[Options.FULL_RESTART_AFTER_COUNT]: if not self.__storagePortion.hasVariable(_RestartStorageVariables.RESTART_COUNT): # TODO: Restarting with FULL_RESTART_AFTER_COUNT could have been enabled on to already existing # archive which has some levels of backup and which has not enabled restarting before. In such case # it is normal that RESTART_COUNT will not exist in storage. It should not be an error. Check also # other cases below. self.__componentUi.showError("Unable to read the restart count. Setting it to 0.") self.__storagePortion.saveValue(_RestartStorageVariables.RESTART_COUNT, 0) if int(self.__storagePortion.getValue(_RestartStorageVariables.RESTART_COUNT)) >= \ self.__archiveSpec[Options.FULL_RESTART_AFTER_COUNT]: return 0, _BackupLevelRestartReasons.RestartCountLimitReached today = if self.__archiveSpec[Options.FULL_RESTART_AFTER_AGE]: if not self.__storagePortion.hasVariable(_RestartStorageVariables.LAST_FULL_RESTART): self.__componentUi.showError("Unable to read the last full restart date. Setting it to today.") self.__storagePortion.saveValue(_RestartStorageVariables.LAST_FULL_RESTART, today) if (today - self.getRestartDate(_RestartStorageVariables.LAST_FULL_RESTART, self.__storagePortion)).days > \ self.__archiveSpec[Options.FULL_RESTART_AFTER_AGE]: return 0, _BackupLevelRestartReasons.LastFullRestartAgeLimitReached # standard restart handling if nextLevel < 2: return nextLevel, _BackupLevelRestartReasons.NoRestart if nextLevel > self.__archiveSpec[Options.RESTART_AFTER_LEVEL]: return self.restartLevel, _BackupLevelRestartReasons.BackupLevelLimitReached if self.__archiveSpec[Options.RESTART_AFTER_AGE]: if not self.__storagePortion.hasVariable(_RestartStorageVariables.LAST_RESTART): self.__componentUi.showError("Unable to read the last restart date. Setting it to today.") self.__storagePortion.saveValue(_RestartStorageVariables.LAST_RESTART, today) if (today - self.getRestartDate(_RestartStorageVariables.LAST_RESTART, self.__storagePortion)).days > \ self.__archiveSpec[Options.RESTART_AFTER_AGE]: return self.restartLevel, _BackupLevelRestartReasons.LastRestartAgeLimitReached return nextLevel, _BackupLevelRestartReasons.NoRestart def __getRestartLevel(self): """Returns the :term:`backup level` to which would the backup with ``backupId`` be restarted. The restart backup level is determined based on the backup file size. Full restart is not taken into account; the returned value will always be > 0. :return: The restart-target backup level. :rtype: ``int``""" maxRestartLevelSize = self.__archiveSpec[Options.MAX_RESTART_LEVEL_SIZE] if not maxRestartLevelSize: return 1 # if no backup was created yet if not self.__storagePortion.hasVariable(_RestartStorageVariables.BACKUP_SIZE + "0"): return 1 level0Size = self.__getArchiveSizeOrSetToZero() restartLevel = 1 if level0Size > 0: while (restartLevel < self.__maxBackupLevel - 1) and \ (self.__getArchiveSizeOrSetToZero(restartLevel) / level0Size) * 100 > maxRestartLevelSize: restartLevel += 1 return restartLevel def __getArchiveSizeOrSetToZero(self, level = 0): archiveSize = 0 backupSizeVariable = _RestartStorageVariables.BACKUP_SIZE + str(level) if self.__storagePortion.hasVariable(backupSizeVariable): archiveSize = int(self.__storagePortion.getValue(backupSizeVariable)) else: self.__componentUi.showWarning(str.format("Unable to obtain size of the level {} backup file.", level)) self.__storagePortion.saveValue(backupSizeVariable, 0) return archiveSize def __getOrCreateArchiverService(self, archiverType, workDir): providersIdentifications = self.__serviceAccessor.getProvidersIdentifications(ArchiverServiceIdentification) providerIdentification = [pi for pi in providersIdentifications if pi.providerId == _ArchiverMaps.ARCHIVER_TYPE_TO_SERVICE_MAP[archiverType]][0] return self.__serviceAccessor.getOrCreateService(ArchiverServiceIdentification, providerIdentification, workDir)