Source code for AutoArchive._application.archiving.archive_spec.archive_spec

# Project: AutoArchive
# License: GNU GPLv3
# Copyright (C) 2003 - 2022 Róbert Čerňanský

""":class:`ArchiveSpec` class."""

__all__ = ["ArchiveSpec"]


import os
import re
import configparser
import itertools

from AutoArchive._infrastructure.configuration import ConfigurationBase, Options, OptionsUtils
from . import ArchiveSpecOptions
from ._sections import _Sections
from ._archive_spec_config_parser import _ArchiveSpecConfigParser



[docs]class ArchiveSpec(ConfigurationBase): """The :term:`archive` specification. Contains all information needed to create the :term:`backup` such as the name, list of files which shall be included into the backup, list of files to exclude, etc. These values can be configured in the :term:`archive specification file` (``specFile``) or in the general configuration such as command line or configuration files. Options that can be read from this class are defined as static attributes of :class:`.ArchiveSpecOptions` and :class:`.Options`. If an option is not defined in the archive specification file it is read from ``configuration``. The instance is fully populated during construction. :param specFile: :term:`Archive specification file` name (the “.aa file”). :type specFile: ``str`` :param configuration: The application's configuration. :type configuration: :class:`.ConfigurationBase` :param componentUi: The application's :term:`UI` interface. If ``None`` then messages about non-accessible files or other errors during processing of **included** and **excluded** file lists will not be shown. :type componentUi: :class:`.CmdlineUi` :raise OSError: If ``specFile`` can not be opened. :raise LookupError: If a *section* or an *option* is missing in ``specFile``. :raise SyntaxError: If ``specFile`` can not be parsed. :raise KeyError: If an invalid (unsupported) *section* or *option* is found in the :term:`archive specification file`. :raise ValueError: If option's *value* is not correct.""" # configuration options that are also supported in the arch. spec. file __CONFIG_OPTIONS = frozenset({Options.ARCHIVER, Options.COMPRESSION_LEVEL, Options.DEST_DIR, Options.OVERWRITE_AT_START, Options.INCREMENTAL, Options.RESTARTING, Options.RESTART_AFTER_LEVEL, Options.RESTART_AFTER_AGE, Options.FULL_RESTART_AFTER_COUNT, Options.FULL_RESTART_AFTER_AGE, Options.MAX_RESTART_LEVEL_SIZE, Options.REMOVE_OBSOLETE_BACKUPS, Options.KEEP_OLD_BACKUPS, Options.NUMBER_OF_OLD_BACKUPS, Options.COMMAND_BEFORE_BACKUP, Options.COMMAND_AFTER_BACKUP}) def __init__(self, specFile, configuration, componentUi = None): super().__init__() # {{{ attributes self.__configuration = configuration self.__componentUi = componentUi self.__spec = _ArchiveSpecConfigParser( forbiddenOptions = {str(opt) for opt in set(OptionsUtils.getAllOptions()) - self.__CONFIG_OPTIONS}, archiveSpecsDir = configuration[Options.ARCHIVE_SPECS_DIR]) # }}} attributes # read the archive specification file (the .aa file) self.__spec.read_file(open(specFile)) # populate the instance self.__addRequiredSpecFileOptions(specFile) self.__addOptionalSpecFileOptions(specFile) self.__addOptionalConfigurationOptions() # {{{ ConfigurationBase overrides
[docs] def getRawValue(self, option): "See: :meth:`.ConfigurationBase.getRawValue()`." if option in self.options_: return super().getRawValue(option) else: return self.__configuration.getRawValue(option)
# }}} ConfigurationBase overrides # {{{ helpers # {{{ options adding def __addRequiredSpecFileOptions(self, specFile): "Add non-optional options (specific to archive spec. file)." try: self.__addOptionFromSpec(_Sections.CONTENT, ArchiveSpecOptions.PATH) self.options_[ArchiveSpecOptions.INCLUDE_FILES] = \ self.__readFilesLists(str(ArchiveSpecOptions.INCLUDE_FILES)) self.options_[ArchiveSpecOptions.EXCLUDE_FILES] = \ self.__readFilesLists(str(ArchiveSpecOptions.EXCLUDE_FILES)) except configparser.NoSectionError as ex: raise LookupError(str.format( "Missing section \"{}\" in specification file \"{}\".", ex.section, specFile)) except configparser.NoOptionError as ex: raise LookupError(str.format( "Missing option \"{}\" in section \"{}\" of specification file \"{}\".", ex.option, ex.section, specFile)) def __addOptionalSpecFileOptions(self, specFile): "Add optional options specific to archive spec. file." self.__addOptionFromSpec( _Sections.CONTENT, ArchiveSpecOptions.NAME, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(specFile))[0]) def __addOptionalConfigurationOptions(self): "Add optional options that can be present also in configuration." if self.__spec.has_section(_Sections.ARCHIVE): for option in self.__CONFIG_OPTIONS: self.__tryAddOptionFromSpec(_Sections.ARCHIVE, option) # {{{ options adding sub-helpers def __addOrReplaceOption(self, option, value): try: self.options_[option] = OptionsUtils.strToOptionType(option, value) except ValueError: raise ValueError(str.format( "Wrong value \"{}\" of the option \"{}\" in the archive specification file.", value, option)) def __addOptionFromSpec(self, section, option, default = None): self.__addOrReplaceOption(option, self.__spec.get(section, str(option), fallback = default)) def __tryAddOptionFromSpec(self, section, option): if self.__spec.has_option(section, str(option)): self.__addOrReplaceOption(option, self.__spec.get(section, str(option))) # {{{ file lists processing def __readFilesLists(self, listKind): "Read configured include or exclude files or directories." # extract filenames from specFile and store them into list files = re.findall(r'(?:".+?")|(?:\S+)', self.__spec.get(_Sections.CONTENT, listKind)) # previous regexp leaves quotes in filenames so they must be removed files = self.__clearQuotes(files) # remove parent directory path elements and absolute path token ("/"); for paths like "../../foo/bar" it # returns "foo/bar" and for absolute paths like "/bar/baz" it returns "bar/baz"; # for each path in files it splits it by "/" and uses dropwhile() function to filter-out # first "/" (empty pathElement) and ".." (pathElement == os.pardir); then joins the result back to the path # representation return frozenset((os.path.join(*(itertools.dropwhile( lambda pathElement: not pathElement or pathElement == os.pardir, os.path.normpath(path).split(os.sep)))) for path in files)) @staticmethod def __clearQuotes(files): "Remove quotes from file names." for fileName in files: match ='(?<=").+(?=")', fileName) if match is not None: yield else: yield fileName
# }}} file lists processing # }}} options adding sub-helpers # }}} options adding # }}} helpers # }}} CLASSES