# _internal_tar_archiver_provider.py
# Project: AutoArchive
# License: GNU GPLv3
# Copyright (C) 2003 - 2016 Róbert Čerňanský
""":class:`_InternalTarArchiverProvider` class."""
__all__ = ["_InternalTarArchiverProvider"]
import os
import stat
import shutil
import itertools
import errno
import tarfile
from AutoArchive._infrastructure.py_additions import staticproperty
from . import BackupSubOperations, BackupOperationErrors
from ._tar_archiver_provider_base import _TarArchiverProviderBase, BackupTypes
[docs]class _InternalTarArchiverProvider(_TarArchiverProviderBase):
"""Internal archiver service provider.
See also: :class:`._TarArchiverProviderBase`."""
# backup type to tarfile compress token map
BackupTypes.TarGz: "gz",
BackupTypes.TarBz2: "bz2"}
# {{{ _TarArchiverProviderBase overrides
def __init__(self, workDir):
self.__someFilesChanged = None
def supportedBackupTypes():
"See :attr:`._TarArchiverProviderBase.supportedBackupTypes`"
return frozenset({BackupTypes.Tar,
[docs] def backupFiles(self, backupDefinition, compressionStrength = None, overwriteAtStart = False):
"See: :meth:`._TarArchiverProviderBase.backupFiles()`."
super().backupFiles(backupDefinition, compressionStrength, overwriteAtStart)
backupFilePath = self.getBackupFilePath_(backupDefinition.backupId, backupDefinition.backupType,
workingBackupFilePath = backupFilePath if overwriteAtStart else self.getWorkingPath_(backupFilePath)
self.__someFilesChanged = False
openModeCompressionToken = self.__BACKUP_TYPE_TO_COMPRESS_TOKEN[backupDefinition.backupType]
tarFile = tarfile.open(workingBackupFilePath, "w:" + openModeCompressionToken, format = tarfile.PAX_FORMAT)
cwdSave = os.getcwd()
for name in self.__getFileNames(backupDefinition.includeFiles, backupDefinition.excludeFiles):
statInfo = os.lstat(name)
except OSError as ex:
self.__handleIoOrOsError(BackupSubOperations.Stat, ex)
if stat.S_ISREG(statInfo[stat.ST_MODE]):
self.__addRegularFile(tarFile, name, statInfo)
self.__addSpecialFile(tarFile, name, statInfo)
except (IOError, OSError) as ex:
self.__handleIoOrOsError(BackupSubOperations.Open, ex)
except OSError as ex:
self.__handleIoOrOsError(BackupSubOperations.Open, ex)
if self.__someFilesChanged:
self.backupOperationError(BackupSubOperations.Finish, BackupOperationErrors.SomeFilesChanged)
if not overwriteAtStart:
shutil.move(workingBackupFilePath, backupFilePath)
return backupFilePath
[docs] def backupFilesIncrementally(self, backupDefinition, compressionStrength = None, level = None,
overwriteAtStart = False):
"See: :meth:`._TarArchiverProviderBase.backupFilesIncrementally()`."
raise NotImplementedError("Not supported.")
[docs] @classmethod
def getSupportedFeatures(cls, backupType = None):
"See: :meth:`._TarArchiverProviderBase.getSupportedFeatures()`."
if backupType is not None:
return _TarArchiverProviderBase.getSupportedFeatures()
# }}} _TarArchiverProviderBase overrides
def __addRegularFile(self, tarFile, name, statInfo):
"""Adds a regular file to the :term:`backup`.
Method is called for each regular file that shall be added to the backup.
See also: :meth:`__addSpecialFile()`.
:param tarFile: Tar file where the ``name`` shall be added.
:type tarFile: :class:`TarFile`
:param name: Path to a regular file that shall be added to the backup. It should be relative to archive's
root directory.
:type name: ``str``
:param statInfo: Stat information of the file ``name`` as returned by :meth:`os.lstat()`.
:type statInfo: ``stat_result``
:raise IOError: If there was an error while opening the file."""
tarInfo = tarFile.gettarinfo(name)
with open(name, "rb") as fileObj:
tarFile.addfile(tarInfo, fileObj)
statInfoAfter = os.lstat(name)
if statInfo[stat.ST_SIZE] != statInfoAfter[stat.ST_SIZE] or \
statInfo[stat.ST_MTIME] != statInfoAfter[stat.ST_MTIME] or \
statInfo[stat.ST_MODE] != statInfoAfter[stat.ST_MODE] or \
statInfo[stat.ST_UID] != statInfoAfter[stat.ST_UID] or \
statInfo[stat.ST_GID] != statInfoAfter[stat.ST_GID]:
self.backupOperationError(BackupSubOperations.Read, BackupOperationErrors.FileChanged, name)
self.__someFilesChanged = True
def __addSpecialFile(self, tarFile, name, statInfo):
"""Adds a special file to the :term:`backup`.
Method is called for each special file, such as directory, named pipe, device file, link et al. that shall be
added to the backup.
See also: :meth:`addRegularFile_()`.
:param tarFile: Tar file where the ``name`` shall be added.
:type tarFile: :class:`TarFile`
:param name: Path to a special file that shall be added to the backup. It should be relative to archive's
root directory.
:type name: ``str``
:param statInfo: Stat information of the file ``name`` as returned by :meth:`os.lstat()`.
:type statInfo: ``stat_result``"""
tarInfo = tarFile.gettarinfo(name)
if tarInfo is not None:
if stat.S_ISSOCK(statInfo[stat.ST_MODE]):
self.backupOperationError(BackupSubOperations.Open, BackupOperationErrors.SocketIgnored, name)
self.backupOperationError(BackupSubOperations.Open, BackupOperationErrors.UnknownTypeIgnored, name)
def __getFileNames(self, includeFiles, excludeFiles):
def getFileNamesUnfiltered(fileNames):
for fileName in fileNames:
if os.path.isdir(fileName) and not os.path.islink(fileName):
# variables to track if includeName and directories list returned by os.walk() were visited in the
# os.walk() for loop; if not, assume permission denied
includeNameVisited = False
listedDirs = set()
visitedDirs = set()
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(fileName):
includeNameVisited = True
listedDirs.update({os.path.join(root, d)
for d in dirs
if not os.path.islink(os.path.join(root, d))})
yield root
# yield files and links to directories within root (we yield links to directories as they
# were files because we do not follow them)
for name in itertools.chain(files, (d for d in dirs if os.path.islink(os.path.join(root, d)))):
yield os.path.join(root, name)
if not includeNameVisited:
for notVisitedDir in listedDirs - visitedDirs:
yield fileName
def showDirOpenError(dirName):
if dirName not in excludeFiles:
self.backupOperationError(BackupSubOperations.Open, BackupOperationErrors.PermissionDenied, dirName)
def parentDirs(path, _result = None, _lastDirName = None):
"""Returns a set of parent directories of ``path``.
For example for "dir/foo/bar" it returns {"dir/foo", "dir"}."""
if _result is None:
_result = set()
dirName = os.path.dirname(path)
if dirName and dirName != _lastDirName:
parentDirs(dirName, _result, dirName)
return _result
def filterFileNames(names, excludeNames):
return (name for name in names if (name not in excludeNames and parentDirs(name).isdisjoint(excludeNames)))
return filterFileNames(getFileNamesUnfiltered(includeFiles), excludeFiles)
def __handleIoOrOsError(self, operation, errorException):
if errorException.errno == errno.EACCES:
self.backupOperationError(operation, BackupOperationErrors.PermissionDenied, errorException.filename)
elif errorException.errno == errno.ENOSPC:
raise RuntimeError("No space left on device.")
self.backupOperationError(operation, BackupOperationErrors.UnknownOsError, errorException.filename,