# tar_archiver_provider_base.py
# Project: AutoArchive
# License: GNU GPLv3
# Copyright (C) 2003 - 2021 Róbert Čerňanský
""":class:`_TarArchiverProviderBase` class."""
__all__ = ["_TarArchiverProviderBase", "_BACKUP_TYPES_TO_EXTENSIONS"]
from abc import *
import os
from AutoArchive._infrastructure.py_additions import event
from AutoArchive._infrastructure.service import IService
from . import BackupTypes, ArchiverFeatures
_BACKUP_TYPES_TO_EXTENSIONS = {BackupTypes.Tar: "tar",
BackupTypes.TarGz: "tar.gz",
BackupTypes.TarBz2: "tar.bz2",
BackupTypes.TarXz: "tar.xz",
BackupTypes.TarZst: "tar.zst",}
# SMELL: Methods that have BackupDefinition as a parameter should be moved to BackupDefinition class (which should be
# renamed to Backup then - it does not represent a physical backup though, maybe the name should be something
# different or split to two classes, one which represents physical backup and other that represents the definition).
[docs]class _TarArchiverProviderBase(IService):
"""Base class for tar archiver service providers.
Abstract constructor of this class, should be called from derived constructors. It initializes the
:attr:`workDir_` property.
:param workDir: Path to a writable directory. The service will use it as persistent storage.
:type workDir: ``str``"""
__PARTIAL_FILE_SUFFIX = "._partial"
def __init__(self, workDir):
self.__workDir = workDir
def supportedBackupTypes(self):
"""Gets a set of backup types supported by this archiver service.
:rtype: ``set<BackupTypes>``"""
return frozenset()
def fileAdd(filesystemObjectName):
"""Raised when an filesystem object is added to the backup.
:param filesystemObjectName: Name of the filesystem object.
:type filesystemObjectName: ``str``"""
def backupOperationError(operation, error, filesystemObjectName = None, unknownErrorString = None):
"""Raised when an non-fatal error occur during the backup operation.
:param operation: The operation which was running when the error occurred.
:type operation: :data:`BackupSubOperations`
:param error: The error that occurred.
:type error: :data:`BackupOperationErrors`
:param filesystemObjectName: Name of the filesystem object that was processed when the error occurred. It is
non-None only if ``operation`` is one of ``UnknownFileOperation``, ``Stat``, ``Open`` or ``Read``.
:type filesystemObjectName: ``str``
:param unknownErrorString: Error string. It is non-None only if the ``error`` is either ``UnknownError`` or,
:type unknownErrorString: ``str``"""
[docs] @abstractmethod
def backupFiles(self, backupDefinition, compressionStrength = None, overwriteAtStart = False):
"""Creates a backup.
:param backupDefinition: Defines the backup that shall be created. All attributes of the passed instance has
to be initialized.
:type backupDefinition: :class:`BackupDefinition`
:param compressionStrength: Value from interval <MIN_COMPRESSION_STRENGTH, MAX_COMPRESSION_STRENGTH>
representing the strength of compression. It has to be non-None only for backup types that supports
compression and compression strength setting.
:type compressionStrength: ``int``
:param overwriteAtStart: If ``True``, backups are overwritten at the start of creation; otherwise they are
overwritten at the end of creation (new backups are created with temporary name first and renamed when
:type overwriteAtStart: ``bool``
:return: Path to the created backup.
:rtype: ``str``
:raise RuntimeError: If ``compressionStrength`` is non-``None`` and ``backupDefinition.backupType`` does not
supports compression or compression strength setting. If an unknown error occurred during backup creation.
:raise ValueError: If ``compressionStrength`` is outside of required interval or if
``backupDefinition.backupType`` is not supported by the implementation.
:raise OSError: If a system error occurred while making the backup.
Performs basic checks before the backup creation.
.. note:: Derived classes should call this base method on the beginning of the overridden method."""
self.raiseIfUnsupportedFeature_(backupDefinition.backupType, compressionStrength)
[docs] @abstractmethod
def backupFilesIncrementally(self, backupDefinition, compressionStrength = None, level = None,
overwriteAtStart = False):
"""Creates an incremental backup.
A backup of specified level or the next level in a row will be created. The maximal backup level will be
increased (see :meth:`getMaxBackupLevel()`).
:param backupDefinition: Defines the backup that shall be created. All attributes of the passed instance has
to be initialized.
:type backupDefinition: :class:`BackupDefinition`
:param compressionStrength: Value from interval <MIN_COMPRESSION_STRENGTH, MAX_COMPRESSION_STRENGTH>
representing the strength of compression. It has to be non-None only for backup types that supports
compression and compression strength setting.
:type compressionStrength: ``int``
:param level: Backup level that shall be created. If ``None``, the next level in a row will be created, which
is the the one returned by :meth:`getMaxBackupLevel()`. The value has to be from interval
<0, :meth:`getMaxBackupLevel()`>.
:type level: ``int``
:param overwriteAtStart: If ``True``, backups are overwritten at the start of creation; otherwise they are
overwritten at the end of creation (new backups are created with temporary name first and renamed when
:type overwriteAtStart: ``bool``
:return: Path to the created backup.
:rtype: ``str``
:raise RuntimeError: If ``compressionStrength`` is non-``None`` and ``backupDefinition.backupType`` does not
supports compression or compression strength setting. If an unknown error occurred during backup creation.
:raise ValueError: If ``compressionStrength`` or ``level`` is outside of required interval or if
``backupDefinition.backupType`` is not supported by the implementation.
:raise NotImplementedError: If incremental backup is not supported.
:raise OSError: If a system error occurred while making the backup.
Performs basic checks before the incremental backup creation.
.. note:: Derived classes should call this base method on the beginning of the overridden method."""
self.raiseIfUnsupportedFeature_(backupDefinition.backupType, compressionStrength, 99)
[docs] def removeBackup(self, backupDefinition, keepingId = None):
"""Remove a backup.
Backup defined by ``backupDefinition`` will be removed.
:param backupDefinition: Defines backup that shall be removed. :attr:`BackupDefinition.backupId`,
:attr:`BackupDefinition.backupType` and :attr:`BackupDefinition.destination` attributes of the passed
instance has to be initialized.
:type backupDefinition: :class:`BackupDefinition`
:param keepingId: The ID under which the backup is currently kept. ``None`` if it is not kept.
:type keepingId: ``str``
:raise ValueError: If ``backupDefinition.backupType`` is not supported by the implementation.
:raise OSError: If a system error occurred during removing operation."""
backupDefinition.backupId, backupDefinition.backupType, backupDefinition.destination, keepingId = keepingId))
[docs] def removeBackupIncrements(self, backupDefinition, level = None, keepingId = None):
"""Remove backup increments starting from ``level``.
Backups (increments) of backup level higher or equal than ``level`` or higher that the current backup level - in
case ``level`` is ``None`` - will be removed. The maximal backup level (:meth:`getMaxBackupLevel()`) will be
set to the value ``level``.
:param backupDefinition: Defines backup that shall be removed. :attr:`BackupDefinition.backupId`,
:attr:`BackupDefinition.backupType` and :attr:`BackupDefinition.destination` attributes of the passed
instance has to be initialized.
:type backupDefinition: :class:`BackupDefinition`
:param level: The first level that shall be removed. All backups of levels higher or equal than ``level`` will
be removed. If ``None``, backups of levels higher or equal than the one returned by
:meth:`getMaxBackupLevel()` will be removed. The value has to be >= 0.
:type level: ``int``
:param keepingId: The ID under which the backup is currently kept. ``None`` if it is not kept.
:type keepingId: ``str``
:raise ValueError: If ``level`` is outside of required interval or if ``backupDefinition.backupType`` is not
supported by the implementation.
:raise NotImplementedError: If incremental backup is not supported.
:raise OSError: If a system error occurred during removing operation."""
raise NotImplementedError("Not supported.")
[docs] @classmethod
def getSupportedFeatures(cls, backupType = None):
"""Returns a set of supported features, either all of them or for given ``backupType``.
:param backupType: The backup type for which the features shall be returned or ``None`` if all supported
features shall be returned.
:type backupType: :data:`BackupTypes`
:return: Supported features for given ``backupType`` or all supported features.
:rtype: ``set<ArchiverFeatures>``
:raise ValueError: If the given ``backupType`` is not supported by this service"""
return frozenset()
[docs] def getMaxBackupLevel(self, backupId):
"""Determines and returns maximal backup level that can be created.
:param backupId: ID of the backup for which the level shall be determined.
:type backupId: ``str``
:return: The maximal backup level that can be created by :meth:`backupFilesIncrementally()`.
:rtype: ``int``
:raise NotImplementedError: If incremental backup is not supported.
:raise OSError: If a system error occurred."""
raise NotImplementedError("Not supported.")
[docs] def getStoredBackupIds(self):
"""Returns iterable of archive IDs which has some data stored in a persistent storage.
See also: :meth:`purgeStoredBackupData()`.
:return: Iterable of archive names.
:rtype: ``Iterable<str>``
:raise OSError: If a system error occurred."""
return ()
[docs] def purgeStoredBackupData(self, backupId):
"""Removes internal data from a persistent storage for the passed ``backupId``.
See also: :meth:`getStoredBackupIds()`.
:param backupId: ID of the backup of which data shall be purged.
:type backupId: ``str``
:raise OSError: If a system error occurred."""
[docs] def doesBackupExist(self, backupDefinition, level = None, keepingId = None):
"""Returns ``True``, if backup exists.
:param backupDefinition: Defines the backup which existence shall be queried.
:type backupDefinition: :class:`BackupDefinition`
:param level: The level of backup of which existence shall be checked. If ``None``, existence
of non-incremental backup will be checked. The value has to be >= 0.
:type level: ``int``
:param keepingId: The kept backup with this ID will be checked for existence. ``None`` if the actual (not kept)
backup will be checked.
:type keepingId: ``str``
:return: ``True`` if the backup exists, ``False`` otherwise.
:rtype: ``bool``
:raise ValueError: If ``backupDefinition.backupType`` is not supported by the implementation."""
return os.path.isfile(self.getBackupFilePath_(
backupDefinition.backupId, backupDefinition.backupType, backupDefinition.destination, level, keepingId))
[docs] def doesAnyBackupLevelExist(self, backupDefinition, fromLevel = 0, keepingId = None):
"""Returns ``True``, if one or more backup levels of a backup defined by ``backupDefinition`` exists.
:param backupDefinition: Defines the backup which existence shall be queried.
:type backupDefinition: :class:`BackupDefinition`
:param fromLevel: The specified backup level and above will be checked for existence. The value has to be >= 0.
:type fromLevel: ``int``
:param keepingId: The kept backup with this ID will be checked for existence. ``None`` if the actual (not kept)
backup will be checked.
:type keepingId: ``str``
:return: ``True`` if any backup level exists, ``False`` otherwise.
:rtype: ``bool``
:raise ValueError: If ``backupDefinition.backupType`` is not supported by the implementation."""
raise NotImplementedError("Not supported.")
[docs] def keepBackup(self, backupDefinition, keepingId, newKeepingId, level = None):
"""Keeps a backup with ``keepingId`` under the ``newKeepingId``.
See also: :meth:`doesBackupExist()` or :meth:`doesAnyBackupLevelExist()`.
:param backupDefinition: Defines the backup that shall be kept.
:type backupDefinition: :class:`BackupDefinition`
:param keepingId: The ID under which the backup is currently kept. ``None`` if it is not kept yet.
:type keepingId: ``str``
:param newKeepingId: The ID under which the backup is shall be kept.
:type newKeepingId: ``str``
:param level: The level of backup of which shall be kept. If ``None``, non-incremental backup will be kept.
The value has to be >= 0.
:type level: ``int``
:raise ValueError: If ``backupDefinition.backupType`` is not supported by the implementation or if
``newKeepingId`` is ``None`` or empty string.
:raise FileExistsError: If backup with the specified ``newKeepingId`` already exists.
:raise FileNotFoundError: If backup with the specified ``keepingId`` does not exist.
:raise OSError: If a system error occurred."""
if not newKeepingId:
raise ValueError("Parameter 'newKeepingId' has to be non-empty string")
currentBackupFilePath = self.getBackupFilePath_(
backupDefinition.backupId, backupDefinition.backupType, backupDefinition.destination, level, keepingId)
keptBackupFilePath = self.getBackupFilePath_(
backupDefinition.backupId, backupDefinition.backupType, backupDefinition.destination, level, newKeepingId)
if os.path.exists(keptBackupFilePath):
raise FileExistsError(keptBackupFilePath)
os.replace(currentBackupFilePath, keptBackupFilePath)
def workDir_(self):
"""Gets path to the working directory.
:rtype: ``str``"""
return self.__workDir
[docs] @staticmethod
def getBackupFilePath_(backupId, backupType, destination, level = None, keepingId = None):
"""Assembles the backup file name and returns a path to it.
:param backupId: ID of the backup for which the path shall be returned.
:type backupId: ``str``
:param backupType: Type of the backup.
:type backupType: :data:`BackupTypes`
:param destination: Path to the directory where the to the backup shall be created.
:type destination: ``str``
:param level: Backup level.
:type level: ``int``
:param keepingId: Path of the kept backup with this ID will be returned. ``None`` if path of the actual (not
kept) backup shall be returned.
:type keepingId: ``str``
:return: Path to the backup file.
:rtype: ``str``"""
levelToken = "." + str(level) if level else ""
keepToken = "." + keepingId if keepingId else ""
return os.path.join(destination, backupId + levelToken + keepToken + "." +
[docs] @classmethod
def getWorkingPath_(cls, properPath):
return properPath + cls.__PARTIAL_FILE_SUFFIX
[docs] @classmethod
def raiseIfUnsupportedBackupType_(cls, backupType):
"""Raises an exception if the passed ``backupType`` is not supported by the implementation.
See also: :attr:`._TarArchiverProviderBase.supportedBackupTypes`.
:param backupType: The backup type that shall be checked.
:type backupType: :data:`.BackupTypes`
:raise ValueError: If the passed ``backupType`` is not supported by the concrete implementation."""
if backupType not in cls.supportedBackupTypes:
raise ValueError(str.format("Unsupported backup type: {}", str(backupType)))
[docs] @classmethod
def raiseIfUnsupportedFeature_(cls, backupType, compressionStrength = None, level = None):
for feature in cls.__parametersToFeatures(compressionStrength, level):
if feature not in cls.getSupportedFeatures(backupType):
raise RuntimeError(str.format("Feature {} is not supported be the backup type {}.",
str(feature), str(backupType)))
def __raiseIfEmptyIncludeFiles(cls, includeFiles):
if not includeFiles:
raise RuntimeError("Nothing to backup.")
def __parametersToFeatures(compressionStrength = None, level = None):
features = set()
if compressionStrength is not None:
if level is not None:
return features